Restaurant burglaries in Los Angeles have increased, but for some thieves there are few consequences - Gascon Must Go
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Restaurant burglaries in Los Angeles have increased, but for some thieves there are few consequences

NBC Los Angeles reported about an alarming increase in restaurant burglaries in Los Angeles — and the few who are caught are released immediately without having to post bail.

When I’m DA, we’ll stop this trend by sending those responsible to prison, where they belong.

Restaurant burglaries in Los Angeles have increased, but for some thieves there are few consequences
By Eric Leonard and Joel Grover | November 7, 2023

An I-Team investigations found that when restaurant thieves are caught, which rarely happens, they’re often released on zero bail and commit other crimes.

The I-Team asked LA County District Attorney George Gascon to discuss cases like those involving Vejar and Taylor, but his office told us in an email, “Due to a very busy calendar, DA Gascón is not available to sit for the interview.”

Read the full article at NBC Los Angeles