No Increased Penalties for Drug Dealers - Gascon Must Go
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No Increased Penalties for Drug Dealers

Gascon doesn’t believe in increased penalties for anyone, including drug dealers. On May 14, 2021, police served a warrant in Garcia’s Long Beach apartment and recovered over 2 kilos of fentanyl, over 2 kilos of methamphetamine, over 200 grams of heroin and over 120 grams of cocaine. They also recovered three guns and ammunition. In addition, three digital scales, a money counter, a ledger for the sale of drugs, and over $250,000 cash was found in Garcia’s apartment. The amount of fentanyl alone could likely kill hundreds of people. Garcia had a long criminal record for selling narcotics starting when he was 15 years old and had been to prison 4 times. When drug dealers have kilos of illegal drugs and caches of guns they can receive longer sentences because of the danger they pose to our communities. Garcia could have been charged with weight and gun enhancements. Gascon’s policies treat armed narcotics traffickers caught with hundreds of kilos of drugs precisely the same as the unarmed seller of a $20 rock of cocaine.