L.A. Times: When prosecutor is defendant: L.A. D.A. George Gascon’s legal battles with his own staff - Gascon Must Go
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L.A. Times: When prosecutor is defendant: L.A. D.A. George Gascon’s legal battles with his own staff

Originally published in the Los Angeles Times

When prosecutor is defendant: L.A. D.A. George Gascon’s legal battles with his own staff
By James Queally
June 18, 2024

He was elected to be Los Angeles County’s top prosecutor, but George Gascón has spent a considerable amount of his first term as a defendant.

In his first week in office, Gascón sent a political ally to the Compton Courthouse to order a veteran prosecutor to drop criminal charges against three protesters. That mission ended with the county paying out a seven-figure sum to the prosecutor to settle a civil claim.

Earlier this year, Gascón settled a civil rights lawsuit for $5 million from a company at the center of a bungled prosecution that he later had to dismiss amid concerns the charges were based on the word of conspiracy theorists who deny the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Gascón has been named in more than a dozen other civil suits, nearly all of which were filed by his own employees. In total, 20 prosecutors have accused Gascón of workplace retaliation, alleging he pushed them out of leadership positions or into undesirable assignments because they challenged his progressive policies or pointed out portions of his Day 1 directives they consider illegal.

Read the full article here.

Also see: L.A. County D.A. to pay $5 million in civil rights case over bungled election conspiracy prosecution