Felony charges against Gascon’s top advisor spark confusion, criticism in L.A. D.A.’s office - Gascon Must Go
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Felony charges against Gascon’s top advisor spark confusion, criticism in L.A. D.A.’s office

Felony charges against Gascon’s top advisor spark confusion, criticism in L.A. D.A.’s office

by James Queally and Keri Blakinger

Published in the Los Angeles Times, May 6, 2024. Read full article here.

When one of Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascon’s top advisors was charged with 11 felonies last month, his critics were quick to pounce.

Though Gascon himself has not been charged with any wrongdoing, the case against Assistant Dist. Atty. Diana Teran has set off the latest in a seemingly endless wave of controversies for the embattled progressive as he seeks a second term.

Teran is accused of improperly downloading confidential police records in 2018 — while she was the constitutional policing advisor to the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department — and then making improper use of the data when she joined the D.A.’s office in 2021.

Read full article here.