Ethical Breaches at LA DA’s Office: Teran Charges Expose Systemic Issues Under Gascon’s Leadership - Gascon Must Go
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Ethical Breaches at LA DA’s Office: Teran Charges Expose Systemic Issues Under Gascon’s Leadership

Ethical Breaches at LA DA’s Office: Teran Charges Expose Systemic Issues Under Gascon’s Leadership

by Jamie Paige

Published in Westside Current, May 1, 2024. Read full article here.

The filing of 11 felony charges against Diana Teran, a top official responsible for ethics and integrity at the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office, has raised serious questions about the management practices under District Attorney George Gascon.

The charges, involving unauthorized access and mishandling of confidential data, highlight potential systemic issues within his administration. As the case progresses, Gascon’s electoral challenger, Nathan Hochman, is calling for transparency and accountability, emphasizing that this situation is a critical test of the district attorney’s leadership.

Teran, previously a public defender, was appointed by Gascon to oversee all prosecutions involving law enforcement officers and maintain office integrity. She was recently arrested and booked on allegations of illegally transferring confidential LA County Sheriff’s Department personnel records to the DA’s office. This has raised serious questions about the ethics environment she was supposed to protect.

Read full article here.