Victim Stories: Trinity - Gascon Must Go
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Victim Stories: Trinity

On March 1, 2019, 9-year-old Trinity was brutally beaten, tortured, and dumped dead on the side of the road as if she were trash. Trinity’s mother and her mother’s boyfriend, Emiel Lamar Hunt, were charged with her murder. Hunt had a prior record. In 2005, Hunt physically abused his 3-year-old son so severely he almost died and had to be put on life support. Hunt was convicted and sentenced to 12 years for that crime. Gascon ordered prosecutors to dismiss the allegation of Hunt’s prior conviction for child abuse. With a prior conviction, he would have received a longer sentence and would have been ineligible for elder parole consideration (Penal Code 3055). Because the prior conviction was dismissed, Hunt will be eligible for parole in 20 years.

California law allows sentencing enhancements/allegations to be filed to show the gravamen of the offense. Filing an enhancement or allegation affects the bail that is set and can also affect the sentence a defendant receives upon conviction. Although the law allows allegations and enhancements to be charged, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon’s misguided policies do not.