Fox & Friends First: George Gascon's new chief of staff pick described herself as a 'proud former looter.' - Gascon Must Go
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Fox & Friends First: George Gascon’s new chief of staff pick described herself as a ‘proud former looter.’

Nathan Hochman, former federal prosecutor, Assistant U.S. Attorney General, and L.A. City Ethics Commission President, weighs in on Los Angeles DA George Gascon’s news chief of staff who described herself as a ‘proud former looter,’ has described the police as “barbarians” and an “occupying force,” and has been photographed wearing a T-shirt with a slogan “The police are trained to kill”.

By selecting Ms. Blacknell as his Chief of Staff, Gascon is sending an unequivocal message to his troops, the 1,000 prosecutors who work in the DA’s office, and the 10,000s of law enforcement officers that work in LA County that he is doubling down on his policies that favor criminals over victims and the public.


Nathan Hochman on Fox Friends First