Family outraged over plea deal in 2018 killings of man, his parents in Los Angeles - Gascon Must Go
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Family outraged over plea deal in 2018 killings of man, his parents in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Family members of three people murdered by a 61-year-old woman are outraged with a plea deal that they say could allow for the killer’s release.

Prosecutors say Nancy Jackson killed a man and his elderly parents in their Los Angeles home in 2018. Jackson pleaded guilty to the murders on the heels of a plea deal that could put her behind bars for 75 years to life.

Gilbert Wright, a family member of the victims and a L.A. County deputy district attorney, said Jackson should be facing life without the possibility of parole in a jury trial.

“Everybody knows that there’s this elder statute out there that’s says if you’re over 50 and you’ve served 20 continuous years in jail, you can come up for parole,” Wright said. “So in essence that’s why I say it’s a 20-year sentence for committing three intentional, unjustifiable murders.”

The family of the victims say they were waiting for the day that they could get justice. Now, they say they never will and they will never have closure.

“People of this state do not get justice. The criminals get more justice than the people who are suffering from the crimes at the hands of criminals,” said Terry Carter, a family member of the victims.

Wright added that “justice was not done.”

Read original article from here.

Read more about the victims, Philip White, Orsie Carter and William Carteril