DDA Speak Out: Eugene Miyata - Gascon Must Go
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DDA Speak Out: Eugene Miyata

Eugene Miyata, is the Assistant Head Deputy D.A. of the Major Narcotics Division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, who wants Nathan Hochman to replace our current failed LA County D.A. George Gascon for good reason. He is not alone. The Assoc. of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles, a union representing line prosecutors, said 97.9 percent of its members had voted to back an effort to oust Gascon from office. The D.A.’s office is short over 200 prosecutors, there is a backlog of over 10,000 cases, the morale is at an all-time low and Gascon’s failed social experiment policies have been challenged as unethical and illegal.

Eugene reveals, “One of the first things District Attorney Gascon did after taking office was to stop the filing of “Special Allegations”. In my division, that meant we could not file “Drug Weight Enhancements” for drug traffickers. Cartel-connected drug traffickers pushing hundreds of kilograms of cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and fentanyl get punished exactly the same as a guy selling one rock of cocaine on the street.”

Gascon refuses to prosecute the most violent criminals and gang members using drug weight, gun and gang “enhancements” for sentencing. These sentencing enhancements allowed prosecutors for decades to add years onto a prison sentence if the crime was committed by a violent gang member, or a criminal with a gun or was trafficking large quantities of deadly drugs. This helped keep violent predators and drug traffickers off the streets of our community longer.

Eugene warns, “Additionally, without “Drug Weight Enhancements,” these drug dealers become eligible for probation. Combine that with Gascon’s failed policy of mandatory probation, and these high-level traffickers are walking right back onto our streets. Illegal drugs, especially fentanyl, are killing our children. We must do more to protect them.”


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