Victims Speak Out: Jessica - Gascon Must Go
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Victims Speak Out: Jessica

“When I was 23 years old, I was kidnapped at knifepoint by a stranger. He raped my and forced me to do several other horrible things. Since that day, I was left feeling fearful and unsafe, even after he pled guilty to the crimes he committed. In 2023, he was granted a parole hearing. Because Gascon doesn’t allow prosecutors to attend parole hearings, I had to go without a prosecutor.”

Jessica will be forced to face her rapist at his parole hearing without a prosecutor because of the heartless and destructive policies of our current failed Los Angeles County District Attorney, George Gascon.

Gascon forbids all prosecutors from attending Parole Hearings with victims and their families. Leaving them to be traumatized and victimized again, by forcing them to face by themselves – their attackers or children’s murderers. He also does not allow prosecutors to share the prisoner’s criminal case files and crime details with the Parole Board! Gascon cruelly believes a prosecutor’s job ends with sentencing. He’s wrong. Victims don’t stop being victims when there’s a verdict.

Jessica describes her continuing victimization because of Gascon and his policies, “The man who raped me was denied parole in 2023, but now has another Parole Hearing this October. I will have to go through without a prosecutor yet again. Gascon abandoned me…”

Please put Jessica in your heart today. She should not be forced to face ALONE her attacker – a man who kidnapped her, raped her and forced her to do unspeakable traumatizing things. We need to elect Nathan Hochman as L.A. County’s next District Attorney. Nathan has stated, “When I am elected DA, I will not abandon victims. Prosecutors will return to accompanying and supporting crime victims in the parole hearing of those that have harmed them or their loved ones.”

Jessica says definitively, “Gascon hurts victims and is responsible for dangerous criminals being released into our communities. It’s time. Gascon must go!”

Vote for Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles County District Attorney
An Independent For All

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