Victims Speak Out: Barbara Jones - Gascon Must Go
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Victims Speak Out: Barbara Jones

No one should have to feel the heartbreaking lingering pain that Barbara Jones and her family feel every day. She painfully divulges, “On March 1, 2019, my 9-year-old granddaughter Trinity was brutally beaten and tortured.  Her body was dumped on the side of the road like she was trash. The man who killed Trinity had been to prison for beating his own 3-year-old son so badly that his child almost died.  The man who murdered Trinity could have gotten a longer sentence because of his VIOLENT CRIMINAL RECORD… but he didn’t because Gascon cares more about criminals than victims.”

Our current L.A. County District Attorney George Gascon and his failed policies ignore victims and their families. They instead offer violent criminals light sentences. He has numerous pro-criminal blanket policies including what he calls “de-carceration” – with his intention to NOT prosecute criminals to the full extent of the law – and to NOT have certain violent criminals serve their full sentences and let them back out into our community quicker.

Gascon has been a disaster regarding public safety in our communities. During his 3+ years as L.A. County D.A. criminals have become emboldened and victims have been left without support. The 2023 California Department of Justice Crime Statistics show Gascon’s policies have led to skyrocketing crime in L.A. County, with Violent Crimes up double digits. Gascon is BLIND-TO-CRIME!

We need to elect Nathan Hochman as our next L.A. County District Attorney. Nathan has stated, “When I am elected DA, I will not abandon victims. Prosecutors will return to supporting crime victims and accompanying them in the Parole Hearings of those that have harmed them or their loved ones.”

Barbara warns, “Our children need to be protected from the man who murdered my granddaughter.  Gascon didn’t care about justice for Trinity or keeping our communities safe.  He gave the man who murdered my granddaughter a sentence that will allow him to get paroled in 20 years. It’s Time. Gascon must go!”

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