Daughter of Army veteran killed in front yard calls for justice, change to policies: 'This is a vicious cycle' - Gascon Must Go
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Daughter of Army veteran killed in front yard calls for justice, change to policies: ‘This is a vicious cycle’

Mario Morales-Moreno, 51, was shot and killed in front of his Long Beach, California, home while doing yard work, investigators say.

The daughter of a U.S. Army veteran who was killed in front of his California home while doing yard work called for changes to local criminal justice policies critics say have enabled criminals at the expense of victims.

Mario Morales-Moreno, 51, was killed on April 4 at his Long Beach home when someone opened fire, hitting him and another victim, the Long Beach Police Department said.

Morales-Moreno was struck in the upper body and died at the scene. Another man was hit in the leg but survived. On Thursday, Morales-Moreno’s daughter, Fernanda Sandoval, remembered her father as a man of service while calling for change.

Fernanda didn’t say his name, but she seemed to be speaking directly to Gascon: “Having them in custody means nothing if they do not receive the sentencing that they deserve. While we appreciate everyone’s thoughts and prayers, what we really need is policy and change. Under our current policies, the dangerous people are being released into the public and re-offending. This is a vicious cycle. We are here today to be a voice for the voiceless. We are here today to ask the current politicians for change. The residents of Los Angeles County are living in fear. We no longer feel safe in our homes. These current policies are not allowing the victims of crime to feel justice. Not just the victims like my dad that served for over two decades for this country, but for everyone.”

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